Dear Friends,
School is hard. Life is even harder. And sometimes those two things come crashing together like a hellcat and seem bound to wring you dry of every last bit of energy and hope you have. Trust me, I know the feeling. It seems like you can't ever get ahead and that the misery never lets up. One thing after another goes wrong. Wave after wave.
Many of you know what a stressful semester this has been for me. 18 hours, 5 labs and working a job. Plus a boyfriend who deserves more attention and time than I can give him. I've managed to keep my head above water in most of my classes, except for genetics. I hate the class, the teacher is the worst I've ever had, and the material is unbelievably difficult. I don't know how to study and trying to teach yourself how to do things without being shown doesn't always leave you feeling confident in your ability to answer questions correctly. I'm barely passing that class. I'm angry because a "D" doesn't reflect my ability as a student, let alone that I have to keep at least a 60 just to pass!
We had our third test last week and I was so stressed about it, I couldn't focus. I was nearly on the verge of straight panic. Post-test, I felt even less confident in my ability to at least get a 60! To me, that's just ridiculous. When you have to teach yourself the material and you are so stressed you break down and cry, something is seriously wrong. We have a final this Friday, and I honestly don't know if I can pass this class.
For all the stress and misery genetics has put me through, I have to keep reminding myself to breath and to trust in the greater plan. There is ALWAYS a reason for everything. If I fail, I have options; I can retake this class next semester, I can take it at a junior college. I'll be okay. I want to remind all of you as we head into finals, that you have alternatives, and most importantly, YOU WILL BE OKAY. This isn't the end of the world. I know it sounds incredibly cliche, but keep swimming. I believe in you.